Understanding Medicare
Navigating Medicare can be confusing, but we're here to help!
What is Medicare?
Medicare is a federal health insurance program for people 65 or older. It helps cover hospital stays, doctor visits, and prescription medications.
Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance)

Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance)

Medicare Part C (Medicare Advantage Plans)
Medicare Part D (Prescription Drug Coverage)
What are my Medicare coverage options?
Original Medicare (Parts A and B)
Original Medicare includes Part A and Part B. You can add a Medicare drug plan (Part D) for prescription coverage. You can use any doctor or hospital that accepts Medicare anywhere in the U.S. To help with out-of-pocket costs in Original Medicare, you can buy supplemental coverage like Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) or have coverage from a former employer, union, or Medicaid.
Medicare Advantage (Part C)
Medicare Advantage is a Medicare-approved plan from a private company that offers an alternative to Original Medicare for health and drug coverage. These bundled plans include Part A, Part B, and usually Part D. Most plans require you to use doctors in their network. They may have lower out-of-pocket costs than Original Medicare and offer extra benefits like vision, hearing, and dental services.
Can I get additional coverage?
You can buy a Medigap policy, which is extra insurance from private companies to help pay your share of costs in Original Medicare (Parts A and B). You can also buy additional drug and health plans. To do so, you must:
• Have Medicare Part A and B.
• Live in the plan's service area.
• Be a U.S. citizen or lawfully present.
• Have your Medicare number and Part A/B coverage start dates.
When can I sign up for Medicare?
You should generally sign up when you turn 65. If you are employed and have health insurance or need to know how Medicare works with other types of insurance, talk to your employer or health insurance provider.
When does Medicare coverage start?
It depends on the month you signed up during your Initial Enrollment Period.
How do I sign up for Medicare?
Sometimes, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B; other times, you need to sign up. Talk to your employer or health insurance provider if you have questions about signing up for Medicare.

Disclaimer: We do not offer every Medicare plan available. The information we provide is specific to the Medicare plans we offer in your area. For your options, please visit www.medicare.gov, call 1-800-MEDICARE, or contact your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP).