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Smart benefits for a smarter workplace.

Discover the power of employee benefits that make a meaningful difference. 

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Empowering your team, enhancing your future.

We tailor employee benefits strategies that meet the real-world needs of your employees. With Keenly, expect a partnership that brings out the best in your team and propels your company forward.

We understand that the foundation of your success lies in a thriving team. Our client-centered approach ensures that your benefits programs are not just plans, but solutions that enhance your offering as a desirable workplace. From navigating the complexities of healthcare benefits to implementing effective and sustainable strategies, we're here to enhance your team's well-being and satisfaction.


Our values

Why we're in this.

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Understand deeply

We strive to fully grasp each client’s needs, allowing us to provide transformative solutions. This deep understanding supports collaboration and leads to actions that significantly benefit our clients and their communities.

Care genuinely

Our approach extends beyond typical service; we connect personally and advocate for our clients’ interests. This authentic engagement strengthens their operations and the communities they support, because stronger communities benefit everyone.

Deliver relentlessly

Focused on exceeding expectations, we deliver consistent, outstanding results because it's what our clients deserve. Our dedication to excellence ensures enduring value for their businesses and boosts clients' long-term success.


Elevate your benefits game.

Ready to step up your benefits program? Connect with us and see how we turn insights into action. Fill in your details, and let’s craft a future where every employee thrives.

Let’s talk

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Meet our Founder & CEO

Lindsay Clarke Youngwerth

Otherwise known as: LCY

Imagine a world where we look after one another and well-being is so abundant that the community flourishes. That's the world we're building—one where accessible, affordable healthcare isn't just a service, it's a catalyst for happiness and creativity.

I am steadfast in my conviction that preventive care, disease management, and daily wellness are not just individual responsibilities; they're collective opportunities. By fostering a culture of care, we're opening doors to innovation and deeper engagement in life's pursuits.

Together, we're crafting a legacy of health and assurance, ensuring that everyone we touch is empowered to lead a life rich with wellness and satisfaction.